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R-7 Semyorka, First ICBM

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Sputnik 1, First artificial sattelite

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Explorer 6, Captured the first pictures of Earth

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Explorer 14, First recovory of film from an orbiting sattelite

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Vostok 1, First manned spaceflight

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Freedom 7, First pilot controlled spacecraft

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X-15, First reuseable aircraft

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Voskhod 1, First multi-crewed spacecraft

Voskhod 2, First EVA

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Gemini 6A and Gemini 7, First orbital rondevoux

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Luna 9, First soft landing on another celestisl body

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Apollo 8, First human-crewed spaceflight to, and orbit of, another celestial object: the Moon first human spaceflight to enter the gravitational influence of another celestial body

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Apollo 11, First humans on the moon

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Apollo 13, First explosion onboard a spacecraft with crew surviving